Those Who Serve As Pastors…

Deo Gloria July 14, 2024 Sermon Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Titus 1:5-9 Theme: Those Who Serve as Pastors… Must meet the qualifications God lays out for them. Must hold firmly to the trustworthy message of God’s Word.   In the past couple of weeks we’ve heard a lot in the news about the qualifications […]

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Hope is the Middle of Suffering

Pastor Slaughter Pentecost 7 June 30, 2024   Hope in the middle of Suffering! Text: Lamentations 3:22-33   A WELS man had one too many drinks and thought he could drive home. He really had no reason being behind the wheel of that car that day. He ended up hitting a car and killing that […]

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Deo Gloria Sermon for June 9, 2024 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Genesis 3:8-15 Theme: An All Too Familiar Game of Hide and Seek Guilty sinners hide from God. A gracious God seeks them out—and saves them.   They were hiding among the trees in the garden.  Sounds kind of fun.  We all enjoyed playing […]

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It’s All About Jesus!

Pastor Slaughter Pentecost 2 6-2-2024 Theme: It’s all about Jesus Text: Colossians 2:13-17   I had a really interesting conversation with a family member when I went to Arizona for my niece’s graduation. My family member isn’t a Christian (still working on that) but I didn’t think twice when she said this but working on […]

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You are Children of the Triune God!

Deo Gloria May 26, 2024 Sermon for Trinity Sunday Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Romans 8:12-17 Theme: You are Children of the Triune God! The Father is your Abba. The Son is your co-heir. The Spirit is your leader.   Do you realize how lucky you are?  Actually “lucky” isn’t the right word.  Do you […]

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The Counselor

Pastor Slaughter Pentecost Day May 19, 2024 Text: John 15:16-27 The Counselor Testifies the truth to us Who testifies the truth through us   I want you to imagine something for a moment. What if I came to you and told you that everybody is going to hate you. In fact, you are not only […]

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Celebrate the Victory!

Deo Gloria Sermon for May 12, 2024 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: 1 John 5:1-6 Theme: Celebrate the Victory! Possessed by faith Expressed in love   It was an exciting day on the MSU campus back on April 1st.  Fans were yelling and cheering, waving banners and blowing horns—and for good reason.  Their basketball teams […]

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It’s All About Love!

Pastor Slaughter May 5, 2024 Easter 6 Text: 1John 4:7-11, 19-21 It’s all about Love 1)God’s love for us 2)Our love for others   Love. I think most people, if they are honest, desire to be loved. But to quote famous SNL skit, “What is love?” If you were to take a moment and fill […]

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