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New Life Devotional Series

 Author: WELS Lutherans for Life  Category: Devotional  Publisher: Northwestern Publishing House

This book is a celebration of God’s gift of new life. The new life growing inside a mother’s womb is one of the most amazing and wonderful works of God. There is, however, an even more amazing kind of new life created by God, and that is spiritual life – the life God creates in us through faith in Jesus as our Savior from sin. We pray that as God has given your baby new physical life, He may also give your baby new spiritual life. We also pray that your faith may grow through the study of God’s Word in this book.

Whether you are a new mom or dad, a grandparent or a friend of new parents, this book will provide insight from God’s Word on the new baby’s relationship with God – and your own relationship with God as well. While the mother is often spoke of in these devotions, the applications will also be meaningful to the father and others who cherish God’s gift of Life. We do not like calling a baby “it” so we arbitrarily use words like “him” and “her” when referring to the child. We trust you will make the pronoun correction to fit the gender of your child.

The devotions are designed to begin eights weeks before your baby’s calculated birth date. If your baby comes early or late (as babies are fond of doing), it won’t mess up the devotion schedule. The devotions should still fit your situation nicely.

To make things easier, we labeled the devotions with the days of the week from Sunday to Saturday. If you want to use a different schedule, that will work. Use the devotions in the way that works best for you.

God’s promises His presence and blessing upon you and your baby. May He bless your study of His Word through these devotions!


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