Welcome to the online Trinity Church Library! This is a list of books that we have in the library room outside of the Pastor’s office.

Use this site to browse and discover the books we have in our library. If you would like to check out a book, there is a checkout list on a clipboard in the library that you can add your name and book title to.

Showing 1-8 of 8 Books
A Very Special Baby Jesus Children's Books Lynn Groth
For Such a Time as This Vol. 1 Devotional
For Such a Time as This Vol. 2 Devotional
Katherine, Wife of Luther Inspirational Clara Seuel Schreiber
New Life Devotional Series
This book is a celebration of God's gift of new life. The new life growing inside a mother's womb is...
Devotional WELS Lutherans for Life
This We Believe Questions and Answers Bible Teachings Richard L. Gurgel