Deo Gloria Sermon for June 10+13, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Mark 3:20-35 Theme: Followers of Jesus are Recognized as the True Family Members of Jesus!   It’s that time of year—time for graduation parties and wedding celebrations, special occasions for families and friends to get together and celebrate.  And what a blessing it […]

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How Can I Be Sure?

Deo Gloria May 30, 2021 Sermon for Trinity Sunday Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Romans 8:14-17 Theme: How Can I Be Sure? Because the Spirit leads you Because the Father has adopted you Because the Son suffered for you   I remember talking with a lady once about an experience she had in Bible Class.  […]

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Your High Priest Prays for You!

Deo Gloria May 16, 2021 Sermon for Confirmation Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: John 17:11b-19 Theme: Your High Priest Prays For You! That the Father will protect you That the Father will sanctify you   This past Thursday was Ascension Day, the day we mark our Savior’s triumphal return to heaven.  Forty days after his […]

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Stay Connected to Jesus!

Deo Gloria Sermon for May 2, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: John 15:1-8 Theme: Stay Connected to Jesus! Through the Word Enjoying the blessings Bearing abundant fruit   She lay there in the hospital bed, her body racked with pain, her eyes filled with fear.  Bonnie was dying.  She knew she was dying.  And […]

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Life-Giving Hands

Deo Gloria Sermon for Easter, April 4, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: John 20:19-23 Theme: Life-Giving Hands (Jesus)   On her way out of the coffee shop, Mary ran into a classmate she hadn’t seen for years.  Within moments they were visiting as though no time had passed, until her friend asked, “So how’s […]

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Hands of Humility

Deo Gloria Sermon for Maundy Thursday, April 1, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: John 13:1-5,12-17 Theme: Hands of Humility (Jesus)   It was a celebration.  The two of them were seated at a restaurant with white linen tablecloths, fine china, and champagne flutes.  They began to peruse the menu and waited for their server. […]

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Deo Gloria Sermon for March 21, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Hebrews 5:7-9 Theme: Jesus—the Perfect Priest for Imperfect People One who is perfectly pious One who is the source of salvation   New and improved—you see that advertised all the time.  Try new and improved Clorox 2.  Try the new Dr. Pepper—same great […]

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Have No Fear for the Future!

Deo Gloria Sermon for February 28, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Genesis 28:10-17 Theme:  Have No Fear for the Future! Recognize that the LORD is with you. Rely on the precious promises he has given you.   Will you still have a job next year or won’t you?  Will the company you work for […]

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Remember Me, O God!

Deo Gloria Sermon for February 7, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Job 7:1-7 Theme: Remember Me, O God!   I have a concern this morning, friends.  I’m concerned that I may miss some of you with my sermon.  The fact is you may be too young.  You haven’t had the experience yet, the life […]

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The Time Has Come!

Deo Gloria Sermon for January 24, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Mark 1:14-20 Theme: The Time Has Come! To repent and believe To follow and fish   Complete this sentence: Some day I’m going to… take a trip to Hawaii?  Own a cabin on a lake?  Lose 20 pounds?  Find a different job?  We […]

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