Give Thanks to the LORD!

Deo Gloria November 27+28, 2019 Sermon for Thanksgiving Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Psalm 100 Theme: Give Thanks to the LORD!   I’d like you to take a moment this morning and think of three things you are especially thankful for.  All right, now I want you to share those things with the person sitting […]

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God’s Judgment is Right!

Deo Gloria Sermon for November 17, 2019 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Theme: God’s Judgment is Right! When he brings punishment on unbelievers When he gives relief to believers   It happens in the Olympics.  It happens in the NFL.  It happens in the World Series.  It happens in your son or […]

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Should Jesus Really Be Watching My Wealth?

Deo Gloria Sermon for October 20, 2019 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Mark 12:41-44 Theme: Should Jesus Really Be Watching My Wealth?   It’s one of God’s attributes, one of those big “omni” words students learn about in catechism class: omnipresent.  It means that God is present everywhere, that he is with us wherever we […]

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What Really Matters is Knowing the Master!

Deo Gloria Sermon for October 13, 2019 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Matthew 25:14-30 Theme: What Really Matters is Knowing the Master!   The day was September 22, the year, 1776.  He had been discovered and arrested as a spy, and he was due to be hanged on a British gallows.  That was when Captain […]

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Do All Roads Lead to Heaven?

Deo Gloria Sermon for September 22, 2019 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: John 14:6 and Matthew 7:13+14 Theme: Do All Roads Lead to Heaven?   It’s the common belief in many Protestant churches now days and the prevailing sentiment among many throughout our society: “All steeples point to heaven.”  Or another way of saying it, […]

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Is The Bible True?

Deo Gloria Sermon for September 15, 2019 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21; Genesis:18:20+21; Micah 5:2; John 17:17 Theme: Is the Bible True?   Last week we tackled an extremely important question, a question that has tremendous implications for our lives: Is God real?  Today we’re going to examine an […]

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Say “Amen” to God’s Promises!

Deo Gloria Sermon for September 1, 2019 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Genesis 15:1-6 Theme: Say “Amen” to God’s Promises! His promise to take care of the future His promise to make you righteous   We say the word so often—every time we say the Lord’s Prayer, every time we sit down for a meal […]

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Be Content With What You Have?

Deo Gloria Sermon for August 18, 2019 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Exodus 20:17 Theme:  Be Content with What You Have!   It’s a scene from an old movie: Steve Martin is leaving his spacious, luxurious home for the last time.  “My blanket, my favorite blanket—that’s all I need,” he says as he slowly makes […]

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Protect Your Neighbor’s Good Name!

Deo Gloria Sermon for August 11, 2019 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Exodus 20:16 Theme: Protect Your Neighbor’s Good Name!   Isn’t it terrible?  Each year thousands, sometimes even millions of acres of beautiful forest are burned to the ground because someone was careless with their campfire.  Sometimes it’s a beautiful area of forest in […]

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Respect God’s Gift of Life!

Deo Gloria Sermon for July 21, 2019 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Exodus 20:13 Theme: Respect God’s Gift of Life! The life he has given to others The life he has given to you   This past May people across our country were shocked and dismayed when they heard the news of yet another school […]

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