Am I Ready for Jesus to Come?

Pastor Slaughter Last Sunday of the Church Year November 20, 2022     Theme: Am I Ready for Jesus to Come? Text: Luke 12:35-40   Are you ready? (Pause for dramatic effect) Well are you? I guess you are thinking, “Ready for what pastor?” Are you ready for the pop quiz I wrote up about […]

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Look Forward to Something Better!

Pastor Slaughter All Saints Day 11-6-22   All Saints Day Text: Revelation 21:1-6 Theme: Look Forward to Something Better!   What is something that you are really looking forward to? Is it a special day like your birthday or thanksgiving or Christmas (there are some on the faculty and staff that are insistent on playing […]

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Depending on God Alone for Our Salvation

Pastor Slaughter Pentecost 20 10-19-22 Text: Luke 18:18-30 Theme: Depending on God alone for our salvation   How many of you have gone skydiving before? I have gone twice with one of my best friends. Once when we were 18 and the other a few years ago to celebrate his marriage. I have to say […]

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Cycle of Gratitude

Pastor Slaughter Pentecost 18 October 9, 2022 Genesis 8:15-22 Cycle of Gratitude 1)See God’s Blessings 2)Respond with Thanks   What are the times in your life that you are most grateful? Isn’t usually the times where it is easy for you to see God’s blessings in life? When you are blessed financially, it’s easier to […]

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Is It Worth It?

Pastor Slaughter 9-11-22 Pentecost 14 Text: Luke 15:1-10 Theme: Is It Worth It?   Is it worth it? Well it depends on what the “It” is. Let’s say you are walking down the rode and you look down and you see it. A nice shiny penny. Is it worth it to stoop down and pick […]

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Pride & Humility

Pastor Slaughter Pentecost 12 8-28-2022   Theme: Pride & Humility Text: Luke 14:1, 7-14   Pride and Humility. On the one hand I don’t think we need to be confronted with topics of pride and humility. I think most people in this world would agree that one is a good character trait and the other […]

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Hard Truth: Jesus Came to Divide

Pastor Slaughter 8-14-22 Pentecost 10 Sermon Text: Luke 12:49-53 Theme: Hard Truth: Jesus Came to Divide   This section of Luke’s gospel and the these upcoming Sundays began with Jesus knowing the time of his departure was near. In Luke 9:51, ‘When the days were approaching for him to be taken up, Jesus was determined […]

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How Can I Be a Neighbor?

Pastor Slaughter 7-10-2022 Pentecost 5 Theme: How Can I Be A Neighbor? Text: Luke 10:25-37   He knew what was best. He was well versed in the scriptures and knew God’s law. He had a sharp analytical mind after all…he was a lawyer. He wanted to test Jesus. Jesus had done miracles, spoken with authority, […]

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God’s Word Has Power Over Evil

Pastor Slaughter Sunday Pentecost 6-19-2022   God’s Word Has Power Over Evil Luke 8:26-39   Today we are starting a new sermon series titled “God’s Words Possess God’s Power” When we speak words, they can be meaningless. Sometimes one’s words are meaningless because they are spoken without true knowledge. Other times, they were spoken insincerely, […]

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The Triune LORD Blesses Us!

Pastor Slaughter June 12, 2022 Trinity Sunday   The Triune LORD Blesses You! Numbers 6:22-27   What does someone mean when they say, “God bless you”? It really depends on how someone uses it. For example, when someone sneezes, you might automatically respond with a  “God bless you” because that is what you are supposed […]

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