Pastor Slaughter June 6, 2021 Pentecost 2   Text: Mark 2:23-27 Followers of Jesus Enjoy Sabbath Rest   Have you ever done something where one day it feels like work, that feeling where you have to do something…you don’t want to but you know you have to, and the very next day you do that […]

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How Do You Know the LORD is God?

Pastor Slaughter 5-23-2021 Pentecost Day Ezekiel 37:1-14 How do you know the LORD is God?   How do you know the LORD is God? If an atheist came and pushed you to give an answer what would you say? There are all kinds of ‘gods’ out there…Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims. How do you know that […]

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Love One Another!

Pastor Slaughter Easter-6 5-9-2021 John 15:9-17 Theme: Love One Another   What do you think is the most defining characteristic of a Christian? I am talking about that something when you see it you think “They must be a Christian!” Is it something they wear, like a cross neckless, or rocking the WWJD bracelet (which […]

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Listen to Your Good Shepherd!

Pastor Slaughter April 25, 2021 Good Shepherd Sunday John 10:11-18 Listen to Your Good Shepherd   Why do we listen to people? What makes us even want to listen to something that someone says? I am not just talking about hearing what someone says, but rather listening in the sense that not only hears what […]

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Certain Hope for Uncertain Times

Pastor Slaughter Easter-2 4-11-2021   Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 15:19-20 Theme: Certain Hope for Uncertain Times   Uncertainty is the worst. It causes a lot of stress. There is the inability to make plans. Then the potential of constantly changing those plans. There is the mental burden, the mind spinning, the trying to find the […]

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Hands of Praise

Pastor Daniel Slaughter March 28, 2021   Palm Sunday Hands of Praise (Disciples and Crowds) Sermon Text: Mark 11:1-11   Some people are so afraid that heaven is going to be boring that they’re not interested in going. I bet if you say there will be no Xbox or Nintendo systems in heaven, you will […]

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One Little Word

Pastor Slaughter March 7, 2021 Third Sunday of Lent Exodus 20:1-17 One Little Word   One little Word. One little word can make all the difference. One little word can completely change your outlook on things. One little word can break a relationship. One little word can grow a relationship. There is one little word […]

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A Sacrifice Worth Making

Pastor Daniel Slaughter February 21, 2020 Lent 1 Genesis 22:1-18 A Sacrifice Worth Making   The season of a Lent is a call to sinners towards repentance that once again reminds us of the seriousness of our sins. And as we make that journey to cross, we fully appreciate the sacrifice that Jesus made. Some […]

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Come to the Mountain!

Pastor Slaughter 2-14-2021 Transfiguration Sunday Text: Mark 9:2-9 Come to the mountain See Christ’s Glory Receive His Encouragement   Life is full of highs and lows isn’t? One moment you feel like you are on top of the World and the next you feel like the world is crashing down around you. One moment you […]

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Words of Authority

Pastor Slaughter January 31, 2021 Epiphany 4 Text: Mark 1:21-28 Theme: Words of Authority   Words are very powerful, aren’t they? I think some people try to deny the power of words by saying that expression, “Stick and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” They want to deny the pain […]

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