Pastor Slaughter January 31, 2021 Epiphany 4 Text: Mark 1:21-28 Theme: Words of Authority Words are very powerful, aren’t they? I think some people try to deny the power of words by saying that expression, “Stick and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” They want to deny the pain […]
Pastor Slaughter Epiphany 2 1-17-2021 1 Samuel 1:1-10 Speak, for Your Servant is listening. Have you ever heard of that game called Simon says? It is where you have one person who is the “Simon” and he tells people what to do. The participants of the game have to listen closely to what “Simon” […]
Pastor Slaughter Christmas-2 1-3-2021 John 7:40-43 Who is Jesus? I feel like I am in a feisty mood today. There are certain things that as soon as you say it sparks discussion and debate (to put it lightly) and can lead to some pretty heated arguments! Let’s look at a couple. The thing you […]
Pastor Slaughter Chrimstas-1 12-27-2020 Luke 2:25-40 Salvation Revealed When someone reveals something to you, it can bring about different emotions. It can bring about joy and happiness, or sorrow and frustration depending on the what is revealed. For example, when a wife comes and tells her husband that she is pregnant, the joy […]
Our theme for this year’s Advent series is Hark the Glad sound the Savior comes! Today we hear how he comes as the Prince of Peace. As I was Talking to Pastor Bentz about which lesson I wanted. I jumped at the opportunity to preach how Jesus is the Prince of Peace. But then a […]
Daniel Slaughter Advent-3 12-13-202 John 1:6-8, 19-28 Give ‘Em Jesus! What is the best gift you have ever given? If you were to narrow it down to one thing, what would that one gift be? Was it something that you made? Something that you said? Something that you saved up your money for? […]
Pastor Daniel Slaughter Advent 1 11-29-20202 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Focus on Christ 1) Focus on what he gave you 2) Focus on what he will give you. By show of hands, how many of you have corrective lenses, contacts or glasses? To be quite honest, I am blind as bat without my glasses. I […]
11-22-2020 Pastor Daniel Slaughter Christ the King Sunday Text: Matthew 27:27-31 Theme: What did you expect? Here it is…the moment of truth. My first sermon here at Trinity! What do you expect as I stand here before you today? What kind of preacher do you expect that I am? Unless you went to […]