Complete Unity

Pastor Slaughter May 29, 2022 Easter 7   Complete Unity Text: John 17:20-26   What would you pray for the night before you know you were going to die? Would you pray for peace? Would you pray for forgiveness? Would you pray that your end may come quickly? Would you pray for friends and family? […]

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Worship God for His Goodness!

Deo Gloria Sermon for May 22, 2022 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Acts 14:8-22 Theme: Worship God for His Goodness! He reveals his goodness in nature. He reveals his goodness in his Son, Jesus.   A group of Muslim men gather during their lunch break.  They turn and face Mecca, bow down on their knees […]

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Set Your Sights on Your Heavenly Home!

Deo Gloria Sermon for May 8, 2022 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Revelation 7:9-17 Theme: Set Your Sights on Your Heavenly Home! Who will be there What it will be like   Hawaii–Bill had always wanted to go to Hawaii, but he never really had an opportunity to go, until this year.  You see, one […]

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Don’t Lose Sight of the Victorious Lamb!

Revelation 5:11–14   Don’t Loose Sight of the Victorious Lamb And I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels who were around the throne and around the living creatures and the elders. Their number was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands upon thousands. 12With a loud voice they were saying: Worthy is the […]

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What is Jesus Doing Now?

Deo Gloria Sermon for April 24, 2022 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Revelation 1:4-18 Theme: What is Jesus Doing Now? He is watching over us. He is ruling for us. He is speaking to us.   Have you ever wondered what certain stars or celebrities from years ago are doing now?  Take Henry Winkler, for […]

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Life Marches Victorious Over Death!

As I was thinking about writing this sermon I was wondering if it would have been better to put it at the beginning of the service. Before all the “He is risen…he is risen indeed…Hallelujah .” The Easter Sunrise service tried to set the tone of that somber feel after Good Friday as the Ladies […]

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His Food, Our Fill

Maundy Thursday Text: Luke 22:7-18 Theme: His Food Our Fill   Have you ever been so hungry that you are just starving? I mean you are at that point where you are hangry. Like those snicker commercials where the tag line was “You’re Not You when you’re hungry.” Advertisers were trying to convince us that […]

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Grace, Grace and More Grace!

Pastor Slaughter 3-27-2022 Lent 4   Grace, Grace, More Grace! Text: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32   As you come here to worship today, what do you need to hear? What is weighing on your heart and mind? Do your thoughts gravitate to a sin that you committed and are just burdened by the guilt? Where you […]

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Deo Gloria Sermon for March 20, 2022 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Exodus 3:1-8,10-15 Theme: Take Comfort in the LORD’s Loving Concern for You! He knows what’s happening in your life. He promises to help and deliver you.   There are many things you and I are concerned about.  Will we have enough money to […]

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We Need a Loving Savior

INI Matthew 19:16-29 | Series B Lent 2, 2022 WE NEED A LOVING SAVIOR! Who shows us that we absolutely need him Who accomplishes for us what is impossible for us to accomplish Who leads us to truly value what is truly valuable   16 There was a man who came to him and said, […]

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