Praise God for Remembering!

Deo Gloria Sermon for January 2, 2022 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Luke 1:68-75 Theme: Praise God for Remembering! He has redeemed his people That we might serve him without fear   It’s embarrassing when you forget something, isn’t it?  When you run into an old friend from high school or college and they remember […]

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The Boy Jesus Lived an Obedient Life!

Deo Gloria Sermon for December 26, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Luke 2:41-52 Theme:  The Boy Jesus Lived An Obedient Life! Obedient to his heavenly Father Obedient to his earthly parents   Have you ever noticed that when adults reminisce about their childhood days, they often give the impression that they never did anything […]

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He is Immanuel – God with Us!

Deo Gloria December 24, 2021 Christmas Eve Message Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Matthew 1:22,23 Theme: He is Immanuel (“God With Us”)   It’s reportedly the most expensive mansion in the state of Minnesota, the Windermere Estate in Greenwood.  It’s located on its own private island just off the shore of Lake Minnetonka.  It features […]

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Rejoice in the News of Mary’s Baby!

Deo Gloria Sermon for December 19, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Luke 1:39-55 Theme: Rejoice in the News of Mary’s Baby! He is your Lord. He is your Savior.   The British tabloids were all atwitter.  American news agencies were buzzing too about the exciting news: Prince William and Kate were expecting.  The news […]

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Open Your Heart!

Deo Gloria December 15, 2021 Advent Sermon Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: 2 Thessalonians 3:5 Theme: Open Before Christmas – Open Your Heart!   Sarah was bitter.  Her husband had been unfaithful to her.  He had lied to her repeatedly.  He had cheated on her—at least twice, that she knew of.  And now he had […]

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The Lord is Near!

Deo Gloria Sermon for December 12, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Philippians 4:4-7 Theme:  The Lord is Near! Rejoice in him always. Display gentleness. Present your requests to God. The peace of God will guard your hearts.   If you knew that Judgment Day was near, tonight perhaps—if you knew that Jesus was going […]

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Heart Under Construction

Daniel Slaughter Advent 2 12-5-2021   Text: Luke 3:1-6 Theme Heart Under Construction   One thing I have to say about moving out here from Michigan to Minnesota is, “Man, the roads are so nice.” For a place that prided itself on their cars, the roads are terrible. It seemed like wherever you drove you […]

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Open Your Eyes

Pastor Slaughter 12-1-2021 Midweek Advent Open before Christmas Text: Luke 2: 29-32 Theme: Open your eyes   Some people have different traditions during advent. My fiancée wraps a book a day for her kids. They have something to look forward to opening each day until Christmas is here. There are those advent calendars where there […]

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Wait for the Good News to Come True!

Deo Gloria Sermon for November 28, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Jeremiah 33:14-16 Theme: Wait for the Good News to Come True! A righteous Branch will sprout. God’s people will be saved.   A friend of yours called the other night with some good news: she was pregnant and expecting a baby.  She and […]

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