Deo Gloria Sermon for June 27, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Mark 4:35-41 Theme: Followers of Jesus Look to Jesus in the Storms! Because he does indeed care. And he is more than able to help.   They can come up so suddenly, can’t they?  They can strike so fast, so quickly, so unexpectedly.  […]

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Followers of Jesus Spread God’s Word

Pastor Slaughter Pentecost 4 6-20-2021   Followers of Jesus Spread God’s Word Mark 4:26-34   How did you get here today? (I am not talking about if you walked or drove). Have you ever thought about all the things that happened in your life to bring you here, worshiping at Trinity, today? I find it […]

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Deo Gloria Sermon for June 10+13, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Mark 3:20-35 Theme: Followers of Jesus are Recognized as the True Family Members of Jesus!   It’s that time of year—time for graduation parties and wedding celebrations, special occasions for families and friends to get together and celebrate.  And what a blessing it […]

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Pastor Slaughter June 6, 2021 Pentecost 2   Text: Mark 2:23-27 Followers of Jesus Enjoy Sabbath Rest   Have you ever done something where one day it feels like work, that feeling where you have to do something…you don’t want to but you know you have to, and the very next day you do that […]

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How Can I Be Sure?

Deo Gloria May 30, 2021 Sermon for Trinity Sunday Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Romans 8:14-17 Theme: How Can I Be Sure? Because the Spirit leads you Because the Father has adopted you Because the Son suffered for you   I remember talking with a lady once about an experience she had in Bible Class.  […]

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How Do You Know the LORD is God?

Pastor Slaughter 5-23-2021 Pentecost Day Ezekiel 37:1-14 How do you know the LORD is God?   How do you know the LORD is God? If an atheist came and pushed you to give an answer what would you say? There are all kinds of ‘gods’ out there…Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims. How do you know that […]

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Your High Priest Prays for You!

Deo Gloria May 16, 2021 Sermon for Confirmation Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: John 17:11b-19 Theme: Your High Priest Prays For You! That the Father will protect you That the Father will sanctify you   This past Thursday was Ascension Day, the day we mark our Savior’s triumphal return to heaven.  Forty days after his […]

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Love One Another!

Pastor Slaughter Easter-6 5-9-2021 John 15:9-17 Theme: Love One Another   What do you think is the most defining characteristic of a Christian? I am talking about that something when you see it you think “They must be a Christian!” Is it something they wear, like a cross neckless, or rocking the WWJD bracelet (which […]

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Stay Connected to Jesus!

Deo Gloria Sermon for May 2, 2021 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: John 15:1-8 Theme: Stay Connected to Jesus! Through the Word Enjoying the blessings Bearing abundant fruit   She lay there in the hospital bed, her body racked with pain, her eyes filled with fear.  Bonnie was dying.  She knew she was dying.  And […]

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Listen to Your Good Shepherd!

Pastor Slaughter April 25, 2021 Good Shepherd Sunday John 10:11-18 Listen to Your Good Shepherd   Why do we listen to people? What makes us even want to listen to something that someone says? I am not just talking about hearing what someone says, but rather listening in the sense that not only hears what […]

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