Praise the Lord!

Psalm 103:1-4, 8-13 August 23, 2020   Dear friends in Christ, what moves you to say praise the Lord? Stop for a moment and think of the last time outside these church walls that you said “praise the Lord.” Perhaps, it was when the results of a medical test came back negative.  Or maybe it […]

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Wonder #3 – God Made Me!

Deo Gloria Sermon for August 16, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Psalm 139:13-18 Theme: The Seven Wonders of the Spiritual World Wonder #3 – God Made Me   How many of you have seen the Body Worlds exhibit?  Even if you haven’t seen it, I’m sure you’ve heard about it.  Body Worlds is a […]

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Wonder #2 – God Can Be Trusted!

Deo Gloria Sermon for August 9, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Proverbs 3:5-6 Theme: The Seven Wonders of the Spiritual World Wonder #2 – God Can Be Trusted   Has this ever happened to you?  You’re walking out to your car in the parking lot of a store and someone pulls up and asks […]

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Wonder #1 – God Loves Me

Sermon for August 2, 2020 Text: 1 John 3:1-3   Dear friends in Christ, I know that folks have not enjoyed many vacations this year.  However, think back to a previous year.  Remember a time when you visited some amazing place.  Perhaps it was a trip to the Grand Cannon.  Or maybe you drive out […]

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Listen Carefully to the Word of God!

Deo Gloria Sermon for July 26, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Matthew 13:1-9,18-23 Theme:  Listen Carefully to the Word of God! So it doesn’t get snatched away So it doesn’t wither and die So it doesn’t get choked So it bears abundant fruit   Two brothers grow up in the same family.  They both […]

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You Are Invited!

Matthew 11:25-30 Sermon for 7-19-20 Dear friends in Christ, “You are invited.”  Have you received many cards, letters or digital messages proclaiming those words?  I know I have.  Yes, even during this time of physical distancing, I have discovered any number of invitations in my mailbox.  You see this month I turn 65.  Those of […]

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Our Identity Crisis is Averted!

To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, 6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.   I am a man. I am a husband. I am a father. […]

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Deo Gloria Sermon for July 5, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Matthew 10:24-33 Theme: Don’t be Afraid to Confess Your Faith in Christ! There’s no point in keeping it a secret. The power of those who persecute you is limited. The Father will take care of you. The Son will acknowledge you before the […]

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Deo Gloria Sermon for June 28 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Matthew 9:35-10:8 Theme: Ask the Lord of the Harvest to Send Out Workers! See the harassed and helpless people. Bring them the good news of the kingdom.   We have a problem, a rather serious problem all across our synod and the effects can […]

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Deo Gloria Sermon for June 21, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Romans 4:18-25 Theme: Righteousness Yours by faith Yours because of Jesus   Dear descendants of Abraham, it isn’t too often that you see a credit on your bank statement.  More often than not it’s nothing more than the interest that has accrued on […]

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