Jesus Christ Has Set You Free!

Deo Gloria Sermon for March 22, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Romans 8:1-10 Theme: Jesus Christ Has Set You Free! From death For life Through the Holy Spirit               Does the name Harold Morris ring a bell?  Maybe you’ve read his book Twice Pardoned, or maybe you’ve heard him on the radio or […]

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Follow Jesus’ Strategy

Date: March 8, 2020 Text: John 4:5-26 This year for Lent we are focusing on Jesus as a Warrior. I will carry this idea into many of my messages this year because it is a good way to talk about how he defeated sin, death, and the devil for us. Today we see it from […]

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Jesus Conquers Sin for Us

Date: March 1, 2020 Text: Matthew 4:1-11 Our midweek Lenten theme this year ties in very well with the focus for this Sunday. The focus for the midweek services is “The Son of God goes forth to War.” It is an interesting theme because we don’t always think about Jesus as the conquering warrior. We […]

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Seek God’s Wisdom

Date: February 13/16, 2020 Text: 1 Corinthians 2:6-13 Is there anyone that doesn’t like to have things their way? It is part of our society. We want exactly what we want and we are going to get it. Think about how this can easily be displayed. We will seek out whatever product we want and […]

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Why did God pick you?

Date: January 30 / February 2, 2020 Text: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 How do you choose what you are going to buy? If you are looking for a new car, what leads you to pick one car over another? Or if you are looking for a new house, what would lead you to buy one house […]

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What does God do for you?

Date: January 16/19, 2020 Text: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 Would you like it if people thought of you as helpless? Do you want to be someone who is considered weak? Most people would say, “No.” There is an urge inside us to want to solve our problems on our own. We want to have the strength […]

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Jesus is the Light of the World!

Deo Gloria Sermon for March 15, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: John 9:1-7,13-17,34-39 Theme: Jesus is the Light of the World! He restores physical sight. He imparts spiritual sight.   I don’t know about you, but I can hardly imagine a physical ailment worse than blindness.  I’m sure it wouldn’t be much fun being […]

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The Warrior Rejected by Many Followers

Deo Gloria Lenten Sermon for March 4, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: John 6:66-68 Theme: The Warrior Rejected by Many Followers   Every day, somewhere, couples get divorced.  We remember all the happy moments of that wedding day when two people declared their love for each other and put rings on each other’s fingers.  […]

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You Can Believe It!

Deo Gloria Sermon for February 23, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: 2 Peter 1:16-21 Theme:  You Can Believe It! That Jesus is the Son of God That the Bible is the Word of God   Have you heard the latest about Pete Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend, IN and one of the candidates […]

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It’s Time to Get Back to Real Religion!

Deo Gloria Sermon for February 9, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Isaiah 58:5-9a Theme: It’s Time to Get Back to Real Religion! Real repentance Real love for God and others A real and close relationship with God   It was a critical time for God’s Old Testament people.  Many had become very unfaithful to […]

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