Rejoice in Jesus, Our Light!

Deo Gloria Sermon for January 26, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Isaiah 9:1-4 Theme: Rejoice in Jesus, Our Light! A light for all, including Gentiles A light that brings victory and freedom from our enemies   I want you to think back a little this morning, back to the last time you were really, […]

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Is God Pleased With Us?

Date: January 9/12, 2020 Text: Matthew 3:13-17 I didn’t know much about the process of adoption before we started the process that led to our daughter. I could go into detail about everything we went through and our circumstances were different than what other families go through. From the beginning of the process until we […]

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Do You See What I See?

Deo Gloria Sermon for January 5, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: John 1:14-18 Theme: Do You See What I See? The Word made flesh The ultimate revelation of God and his grace   “Do you see what I see?”  The words come from a familiar Christmas carol, “Do You Hear What I Hear?”  The […]

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God Sent His Son!

Deo Gloria Sermon for December 29, 2019 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Galatians 4:4-7 Theme: God Sent His Son! To redeem us To make us his sons   My dad doesn’t have many memories of living in the orphanage, but the ones he does have are not very pleasant.  One of his memories is of […]

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The Word Became Flesh

Preacher: Pastor Tim Redfield Date: December 25, 2019 Text: John 1:1-14 Are you exited for Christmas presents? I think that the answer to that question depends on your age and your perspective. I certainly love receiving presents and I like it when I can tell that someone gave the present from a loving heart. But […]

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God So Loved the World!

Deo Gloria December 24, 2019 Message for Christmas Eve Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: John 3:16 Theme: God So Loved the World!   What’s the best Christmas gift you ever received?  Hum, that might be difficult to answer.  Most of us have received so many presents over the years.  Was it the ring you got […]

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Listen to God’s Plan

Date: December 22, 2019 Text: Matthew 1:18-25 Christmas is almost here. Only a few more days to go. I have to admit that I have not been as excited this year as usual. A big part of that is that I am noticing all the false ideas that are around us in culture. There are […]

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The Spirit of Advent Yet to Come

Deo Gloria December 18, 2019 Advent Sermon Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Matthew 25:31 Theme: The Spirit of Advent Yet to Come               Try talking to people now days about angels and you’ll probably get a variety of reactions.  Some will smile at you as if to say, “Dear man, do you still believe […]

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God is Coming. Don’t be Afraid!

Deo Gloria Sermon for December 15, 2019 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Isaiah 35:1-10 Theme: God is Coming!  Don’t be Afraid! He’s coming to save us. He’s coming to fix us.   “He’s coming!”  Do those words strike fear in your heart, or do they bring you comfort?  I suppose it depends on the situation.  […]

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Get Ready for Christmas by Making Changes!

Deo Gloria Sermon for December 8, 2019 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Matthew 3:1-12 Theme: Get Ready for Christmas by Making Changes! Confess your sins. Trust in Jesus for forgiveness. Produce fruit.   It’s 6:00 in the evening and the phone rings.  Probably another tele-marketer, right?  Reluctantly you answer the phone and you find out […]

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