Deo Gloria Sermon for May 17, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz Text: John 14:15-21 Theme: Victorious Living Empowered by the Spirit Obeying Jesus’ commands Having the Spirit as our Counselor Being loved by the Father When someone has been defeated, how do they act? Often you’ll see them walking around with their head hanging […]
Deo Gloria Sermon for May 10, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz Text: John 14:1-12 Theme: Victory on the Only Path to Heaven Through Jesus we have comfort for our troubled hearts. Through Jesus we know the Father. Through Jesus we know the way to the Father’s house. It’s a troubling time to say the […]
Easter 4, 2020 John 10:1-10 1 “Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. 2 The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 The gatekeeper opens […]
Deo Gloria April 9, 2020 Sermon for Maundy Thursday Pastor Martin Bentz Text: Luke 22:47+48 Theme: The Battle is Personal The struggle within Judas The struggle within us It’s called a Trojan horse. You get an official looking email, informing you that you’ve won $10 million dollars or that some long, lost, overseas […]
Deo Gloria April 12, 2020 Sermon for Easter Pastor Martin Bentz Text: Revelation 19:11-16 Theme: Victory! This is a day of victory, a day of celebration in honor of our great champion, Jesus Christ, who is pictured here in our text. But before we take a closer look at this picture, let’s look […]
Deo Gloria Sermon for March 29, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz Text: John 11:17-27,38-45 Theme: Do You Believe in a Life-giving Savior? Jesus says he is. Jesus proves he is. There’s nothing like the death of a friend or a loved one to make you stop and think. There’s nothing like a visit to […]
Deo Gloria Sermon for March 22, 2020 Pastor Martin Bentz Text: Romans 8:1-10 Theme: Jesus Christ Has Set You Free! From death For life Through the Holy Spirit Does the name Harold Morris ring a bell? Maybe you’ve read his book Twice Pardoned, or maybe you’ve heard him on the radio or […]
Date: March 8, 2020 Text: John 4:5-26 This year for Lent we are focusing on Jesus as a Warrior. I will carry this idea into many of my messages this year because it is a good way to talk about how he defeated sin, death, and the devil for us. Today we see it from […]
Date: March 1, 2020 Text: Matthew 4:1-11 Our midweek Lenten theme this year ties in very well with the focus for this Sunday. The focus for the midweek services is “The Son of God goes forth to War.” It is an interesting theme because we don’t always think about Jesus as the conquering warrior. We […]
Date: February 13/16, 2020 Text: 1 Corinthians 2:6-13 Is there anyone that doesn’t like to have things their way? It is part of our society. We want exactly what we want and we are going to get it. Think about how this can easily be displayed. We will seek out whatever product we want and […]