Is It Worth It?

May 21, 2023 Confirmation Sunday Easter 7 Pastor Slaughter   Theme: Is It Worth It? Text: 1 Peter 4:12-17; 5:6-11   I am going to take you back in time. It is around 60 AD. No longer could Christianity be seen as an offshoot of Judaism. It seemed apparent to all that Christianity is viewed […]

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God is Calling You to Repent!

Deo Gloria Sermon for May 14, 2023 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Acts 17:22-31 Theme: God is Calling You to Repent! From your ignorant and foolish ways Because he will judge the world in righteousness   Can you believe it?  Seriously, can you believe it?  Are they really that ignorant?  Are they really that foolish?  […]

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Do Not Let Your Hearts be Troubled!

Pastor Slaughter Easter 5 May 7, 2023   Theme: Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled Text: John 14:1-11   During this Easter season, in the gospel accounts we saw Jesus’ resurrection appearances to his church. With the start of this Sunday the focus of the season shifts. We have lessons that anticipate the Ascension […]

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We Will Live Happily Ever After!

Deo Gloria Sermon for April 23, 2023 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Luke 24:13-35 Them:  We Will Live Happily Ever After! Because Jesus gives us hope Because Jesus gives us understanding Because Jesus gives us joy   Children love fairy tales.  I know our children did when they were little.  Stories about handsome princes and […]

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Peace Be With You!

Pastor Slaughter April 16, 2023 Easter 2   Theme: Peace be with you Text: John 20:19-31   I want you to think about a time when someone you loved and cared deeply about died. And if you are younger and haven’t had that experience, I want you to imagine what that might feel like. After […]

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Deo Gloria April 9, 2023 Easter Sermon Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Matthew 28:1-10 Theme: He Lives – The Most Significant Event Ever! Don’t be afraid, every promise was kept. Go and tell, our relationship with God is restored.   In 1883, on an August morning, the earth broke open and made the loudest sound […]

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His Final Steps Led to the Upper Room

Deo Gloria April 6, 2023 Sermon for Maundy Thursday Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Mark 14:12-17 Theme: His Final Steps Led to the Upper Room A room where his disciples carefully prepared for the Passover A room where Jesus, our Passover Lamb, carefully prepared to die   It is called the Cenacle, a word derived […]

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If the Spirit of God Lives in You…

Deo Gloria Sermon for March 26, 2023 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Romans 8:11-19 Theme: If the Spirit of God Lives in You… Then you have an obligation Then you are a son of God   Whenever friends or relatives of ours come and stay with us for a while, it sort of changes the […]

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Since We Have Been Justified…

Deo Gloria Sermon for March 12, 2023 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Romans 5:1-8 Theme: Since We Have Been Justified… We have peace. We have hope. We have love.   How many of you have ever served on a jury?  I had the opportunity a number of years ago but ended up being dismissed probably […]

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