Saved by Faith, Not by Work

Pastor Slaughter Second Sunday of Lent 3-5-2023   Theme: Saved through Faith not by Works Text: Romans 4:1-5, 13-17   Have you ever thought you were doing something helpful but were actually not helping at all? I remember when I was Vicaring. I was visiting someone in the nursing home. On that particular day, he […]

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A Champion for the Defeated!

Pastor Slaughter First Sunday of Lent 2-26-23   Theme: A Champion for the Defeated Text: Matthew 4: 1-11   Lines are drawn, armies are gathered. People are sharpening their weapons, mending their armor getting ready for war. There is a hush in the air as the two opposing sides draw near. They each chose their […]

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Jesus Makes the Impossible Possible!

Deo Gloria Sermon for February 12, 2023 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Matthew 5:21-37 Theme: Jesus Makes the Impossible Possible!   Has this ever happened to you: You thought you did really well on a test—“Yeah, aced that one”—only to find out later, when you got the test back, that you bombed it?  I know […]

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Let Your Light Shine!

Deo Gloria Sermon for February 5, 2023 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Matthew 5:13-20 Theme: Let Your Light Shine! That others might see your good deeds That others might see the source of real righteousness   Bill was going off to college, and his parents were concerned.  No, they weren’t concerned about his academics.  Bill […]

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You are Blessed!

Deo Gloria Sermon for January 29, 2023 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Matthew 5:1-12 Theme: You Are Blessed!   How many of you would consider yourself to be blessed?  How many of you would feel blessed after you just lost your job?  How many of you would feel blessed as you’re facing major surgery?  How […]

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The Lamb of God

Pastor Slaughter Epiphany 2 1-15-23 The Lamb of God Look at the Lamb Spend time with the Lamb Point to the Lamb Text: John 1: 29-41   For centuries Israel offered sacrifices to God for sin. Over and over again, the blood flowed. The blood was this constant reminder that the penalty for sin is […]

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The Blessed Message of Baptism!

Deo Gloria Sermon for January 8, 2023 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Matthew 3:13-17 Theme: The Blessed Message of Baptism! What it says about Jesus What it says about you and me   When was the last time you looked at your baptismal certificate?  If you’re like me, it’s probably been a while.  Let me […]

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The Son of God, the Promised Savior

Pastor Slaughter Christmas-1 January 1, 2022   The Son of God, the Promised Savior Text: Matthew 2:12-23   When you think of Christmas, what does your mind think of? Do you think of the time with friends and family? Opening presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? The food? The travel? When you think about […]

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God Keeps His “New Year’s Resolutions!”

Deo Gloria Sermon for December 31, 2022 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: Isaiah 51:1-6 Theme: God Keeps His “New Year’s Resolutions”! Past Present And Future   What resolutions have you made for the new year?  To get in better shape, to lose a few pounds, to make the A Honor Roll at school or the […]

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The Word Became Flesh!

Deo Gloria Sermon for December 25, 2022 Pastor Martin Bentz   Text: John 1:1-14 Theme: The Word Became Flesh! (God Becomes One of Us!)   There once was a man who lived in a cave in Africa.  On December 25th he was all by himself—no Christmas gathering with all the relatives.  He had no gifts, […]

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